Thursday, May 29, 2008

It been a minute

WOW my new favorite artist, Chrisette Michele - damn this girl is BAD!!!!
I saw her in concert last night with Raheem Devaughn at the House of Blues. Chrisette Michele was awesome she had the house rocking last night I had such a great time and I would see her again. Raheem Devaughn wasn't bad either now he really had the women going through. Here are some of the pictures that I took last night

Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy Birthday to El-Hajj Malik El Shabazz (aka Malcolm X)!

Happy Birthday to El-Hajj Malik El Shabazz (aka Malcolm X)!He would have been 83 years wise today had he not been assassinated.

El-Hajj Malik El Shabazz (1925-1965) was known as Malcolm X beforeleaving the Nation of Islam, renouncing his former teacher ElijahMuhammad and accepting Islam. Islam, as he himself was surprised todiscover is a universal religion inviting all people, regardless ofcolor, national origin or sex to come together as One people toworship One God.

Today, in celebration of his birthday, I'd like to share a fewquotations of our Beloved Brother Minister Malik El Shabazz that haveinspired me since I was a teenager and hold no less inspiration for metoday.

Malik El Shabazz was a master-teacher. He was not known (outside ofthe African-American community for fiery sound bites, but fordelivering powerful lessons to people struggling under the boot of anoppressor world-wide. His approach at the pulpit or podium wasprofessorial. He came prepared with diagrams, maps and other visualaids to help people understand the depth and breadth of all theknowledge, wisdom and understanding he wished to share with us.

We were SO BLESSED to have him even for a little while. I dare not askmyself the question where would we be without him. At age sixteen, hewas my very first towering hero (outside of my parents). His stance,his defiance of black people continuing to be victims of oppressionand horrific violence, political pawns and less than full Americancitizens were all compelling. His broad smile convinced me, as I'msure it did for many others as well, that this man KNEW SOMETHING thatmade him seem to stand more erect than most men. He was the closestthing to a father of generations of African-American people of allages. More than any other, this was the man I choose to emulate in myfirst wobbly attempts to walk like a man.

If you should leave a comment on this discussion topic today and youhave a quotation of Brother Malcolm that is not included in the (much)abbreviated list I've listed below, please post the ones you have. Letall who leave comments depart with the feeling that they have justleft a flower, a candle or some burning incense at this special placewhere we pay tribute to the Soul of this magnificent man.

Peace Be Upon the Soul Known as El-Hajj Malik El Shabazz Forever. MayAllah Bless him and Keep him.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

This has been a hectic week.

So far this week it has been a bit hectic for me. When I woke up this morning I thought " Ugh, not another day." But I came across this passage of scripture in Philippians 4:8 that said Think about things that are pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

So I encourage all of you to do the same. You have the power to make today whatever you want it to be. And as a very wise woman said to me awhile back " Don't just have a great day...BE A GREAT DAY!!!"

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Damn it only Tuesday

Just a little up on today it has been busy and I am trying to keep a smile on my face before I go off on someone. I will add more to this later when I get home.

Monday, May 12, 2008

It's Monday and I wish it was Saturday.

It's Monday and I wish it was Saturday so that I could have slept late. I can barely concentrate today at work. I will definitely be going to bed early tonight.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Pictures from Friday nice

Pictures from Friday night at the Metro Grill and The Garpevine

Friday, May 2, 2008

Just Releasing

Sometimes I will get so angry about certain things or at people that it will keep me up all night long thinking about it. That shit sucks especially because I know I have to get up early in the morning for work. This happened to me last night.

The good thing about that is that if I write about it, then I can release it. I know that I need to talk or write in order to release tension and anger.

So, I was writing all last night. And I wrote again this morning. It's like a diary of sorts and I just write to 'you' understood and express everything on my mind. It's therapeutic for me. Maybe somebody will read it one day.

I know a lot of you guys feel the same way.

Last night was the start of my birthday celebration.

Yeah last night was the start of my month long birthday celebration. I was going to write last night.I don't have much to say about it because I got mad at a few people who I will not got out with them again. So I am going to move on from that.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

To my mother and grandmother

As I approach another mile stone on May 8th I would like to thank my mother and father and God for giving me life. If it wasn’t for God and my parents I wouldn’t be here. As I look back on my life I can truly say that I have been blessed. I have really come along way in life growing and understanding of life in my life closure to one more year of my life, I have to look back and say “I am blessed.” I have grown to understand the true meaning of life and what it’s all about. There were many ups as well as many downs but I came through with more strength and will to strive for excellence and nothing less.

Growing up as a child, I knew I was loved and cherished without any reasonable doubt. I want to pay the utmost respect my Mother. You have given me a forgiving heart and a humble soul and for this I thank you. Thank you for allowing me to grow as a child and giving me the freedom to make my own choices; that for sure affected my life in a very positive way. This allows me to not be burden by peer pressure but make my own personal choices. I didn’t have to rebel because I could come to you for advice and you always show me the light. I love you.

To Grandmother I want to thank you for your passion for life and helping me to believe that all things are possible to the fullest extent. Growing up and being around you and you teaching me how to love as well had been great. I love how you taught each and everyone one of us that God is real. I want you to know that you are loved unconditionally and there is nothing in this world that I wouldn’t do for you. I love you with all my heart and soul.